Customer support

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We aim to delight

You can build a good company by focusing on getting lots of customers. To build a great company, you must delight your existing customers. This means that the journey doesn't simply end once we sign up a user - even more important is to ensure that PostHog is consistently delivering value for them.

How we ensure amazing customer support

It's easy for customers to reach us

We have a few different routes for users to contact us. As an open source company, our bias is towards increasing the bandwidth of communication with our users and making it easy for them to reach us through a clearly defined, simple set of channels.

These are the ways in which customers can currently reach us:

  • Support ticket - Customers can create a support ticket directly within the PostHog app, under the help menu. This offers both users and PostHog engineers the best possible experience as Zendesk is automatically populated with a bunch of helpful context that makes troubleshooting easier. When in doubt, customers should be directed here.
  • Community questions - users can also search previously answered questions that have been asked anywhere on in our Docs. This is a great way to help us improve our Docs for simpler use-case type questions, but more complex questions should be re-routed via a support ticket.
  • Dedicated Slack channels - For higher-paying (or potential higher-paying) customers, we offer a dedicated channel on our main company Slack.

Sometimes people reach out to us with support issues on Twitter/X. Regardless of whether someone reaches out to your personal account or to the company account the broad approach should be as follows:

  1. Check first if they already have a ticket in Zendesk (either in-app or via /questions). There is nothing more annoying for a user than being asked to create a support ticket if they already have. If you don't have Zendesk access, ask someone in CS.
  2. If no tickets exist, explain that we can't provide support over social media and ask them to create a support ticket within the app - this is much better than trying to solve their problem over Twitter as Zendesk pulls in a bunch of contextual information and is easier to collaborate in. Do this from the PostHog Twitter account - otherwise you will get personally contacted every time this user wants help.
  3. If yes, say that we can see their ticket and reassure them that all tickets are triaged and responded to. Let CS know that you have done this. Again, use the PostHog Twitter account.

Your objective should be to get the conversation into Zendesk ASAP, because it's easier to help the person there and to avoid setting a precedent that complaining visibly on social media results in an expedited response. An exception to this rule is if you are engaging with someone who has provided general feedback about PostHog - feel free to use your personal account if someone has a feature request or similar. If a user engage in a way which causes you any distress, you can skip all of the above and just highlight it in Slack for CS to deal with.

Sometimes users ask about the progress of certain issues that are important to them on GitHub. We don't consider GitHub to be a proper 'support' channel, but it is a useful place to gauge the popularity of feature requests or the prevalence of issues.

Response Targets

We have a high volume of tickets and we're a small team so we're not able to respond to all issues equally. For this reason we prioritize tickets into three categories. We set a response target for each so that we can be sure that tickets are being handled effectively.

Note that tickets are automatically prioritized in Zendesk and users are updated with information about response targets to set appropriate expectations. In all cases, tickets are routed to the appropriate team and that team is responsible for meeting the response target.

The response targets listed below are our minimums for an initial response, and we often respond far faster. Please note that we do not offer any level of weekend customer support.

High priority

Response target: 12 hours

Tickets are considered high priority if they fulfill ANY of the following conditions:

  • The customer is high paying
  • The customer is in a trial stage with the product
  • The customer is subscribed to the teams add-on
  • The ticket is listed as critical severity

This ensures that users who pay for support or which are otherwise considered a priority customer are prioritized and get the best possible support experience. Free users can raise critical impact bugs or issues to an appropriate level.

Normal priority

Response target: 24 hours

Tickets are considered normal priority if they fulfill ANY of the following conditions but the user does NOT qualify as a high-paying org:

  • The customer is subscribed to the Ridiculously cheap plan
  • The customer is on a PostHog for Startups or Y Combinator plan
  • The customer is raising a billing issue
  • The ticket is listed as high severity

This ensures that most paying users get appropriately rapid support and that all billing issues are ensured to get a response. Free users can raise high impact bugs or issues to an appropriate level.

Low priority

Response target: N/A

Tickets are considered low priority if they fulfill none of the conditions for High or Normal priority. This includes tickets raised in the PostHog community, and is mostly users who are on a free plan and who have not entered a card.

We always aim to respond to low priority tickets and will often read and consider them, but we do not set a response target or promise to respond due to the high volume and our need to focus on paying users.

Follow-up / next reply response targets

After our initial response, our follow-up response targets are double those of our initial response targets. For example, if a user replies to our initial response on a high priority ticket (12 hours), our follow-up / next reply response target is within 24 hours.

Escalated ticket response targets

When support engineers need to escalate issues to other engineering teams for deeper investigation, the investigations can take longer. For escalated tickets, our response targets are as follows:

  • High priority escalated ticket response target: 2 business days
  • Normal priority escalated ticket response target: 4 business days
  • Low priority escalated ticket response target: N/A

NOTE: The targets are for a reply to the user. If the escalation turns out to be a bug or feature request, the reported issue doesn't have to be solved by the response target date, we just need to reply to the user. That reply may be to let them know it won't be fixed right away, but that we have opened a bug report or feature request. If we've opened a feature request or a bug report, you can refer the user to the GitHub issue for updates, and Solve the ticket. If you're replying with info that should resolve the issue, leave it in a Pending state (will be auto-solved in 7 days if the user doesn't reply.) If the user replied to confirm the issue is resolved, Solve the ticket. Use On-Hold sparingly, e.g. if you intend to get back to the user soon (more than a week, less than a month.)

CSAT Surveys

We send out CSAT surveys after a ticket has been closed for at least 3 days using this Automation. The emails contain a link to with their distinct_id, ticketId, and the assigned team as query parameters, which are being used alongside their satisfaction rating to capture a survey sent event. The code for the survey website is in the PostHog-csat repo and the responses can be viewed in this dashboard.

Support Engineers

We hire Support Engineers once a product reaches a significant level of scale and/or product-market fit. This is a subjective judgement. Right now, support engineers sit in the Comms team and cover:

  • Product analytics (whole team)
  • Web analytics (whole team)
  • Session replay (whole team)
  • Feature success (whole team)
  • Comms (whole team)
  • CDP (Marcus Hof)
  • Data warehouse (Marcus Hof)

Support engineers respond to as many tickets as they can for these products, and escalate other tickets to the appropriate teams as needed. For all other products, the engineers on those teams are directly responsible for support. The support runbook is maintained on the Support Hero page.

When we hire new support engineers they will usually spend the first few weeks focused just on product and web analytics tickets, until they've started to build more familiarity with the platform as a whole.

Engineers are Support Heroes

The direct interaction between our engineering team and our users is hugely valuable, and an important part of building trust in our community is the ability for users to talk directly with the people who are actually building the product.

Providing support across most products is a responsibility shared across our engineering teams - we expect everyone to jump in and help a user if you see they have a question or problem. Once you have made the initial contact or response, it is your responsibility to see it through or explicitly hand over to someone else if they are better-equipped to help.

One person on each product team takes on the Support Hero role each week. This is a rotating responsibility, where the person involved spends a significant chunk of their time responding to support queries across Slack, email and Zendesk, and sharing that feedback with the team and/or building features and fixes in response. We have found that each stint as Support Hero has thrown up a lot of really valuable feedback.

Difficult support requests

We very occasionally receive messages from people either wishing to make a legal claim or who you suspect may have a mental illness, either via the app or Community Questions. If this happens, notify Charles Cook or Fraser Hopper in the first instance. They will either take this on, or advise you on how to reply.


Support =/= community - we consider them to be separate things. Learn more about how we think about community.


We want to help teams of all sizes learn how to ask the right product analytics questions to grow their product. To help, we create content in the form of tutorials, blog posts, and videos.

We've also created a bunch of useful templates that cover many of the most popular PostHog use cases.


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Startups & Y Combinator

We run two special programs for early-stage teams. PostHog for Startups is our program to support early stage companies. PostHog for Y Combinator is our program to support companies in the Y Combinator accelerator. Both programs give users some exclusive perks, as well as credit to use across any mix of PostHog products. The YC Deal has its own page here . This page focuses on explaining how PostHog for startups works. PostHog for Startups Any company that is <2 years old and has raised $5m…

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