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Note: The PostHog toolbar is only available for the JavaScript web SDK.

The toolbar is like "Inspect Element" for PostHog features and data. When enabled, the toolbar appears as an overlay on your product or website (it's not visible to your users). With it, you can interact with elements to create actions, visualize heatmaps, override feature flags, and more.

How to launch the toolbar

  1. In your PostHog instance, go to 'Launch Toolbar' in the left-hand menu
  2. Add the URLs you wish to enable the toolbar for. Only you will be able to see it – not your users.
  3. Click Save and then Launch.
  4. A new window will open with toolbar on your website. Click on the toolbar to interact with it.

Troubleshooting and FAQ

Toolbar not loading or displaying

When launched, the toolbar injects an API token in the format #__posthog=JSON in your site's URL, like this: http://mysite.com/#__posthog=JSON.

The toolbar won't load if you have a frontend that overrides the injected API token (the information after the #) before the posthog-js library (or snippet) loads and has a chance to read the API token.

To solve this, retrieve the __posthog JSON from the URL before it is overridden and call posthog.loadToolbar(JSON) in your code:

const toolbarJSON = new URLSearchParams(window.location.hash.substring(1)).get('__posthog')
if (toolbarJSON) {

We are also working on other solutions. Go to the related issue to see progress updates (and encourage us to get it done faster!).

Toolbar not working with Nuxt

The PostHog toolbar currently doesn't work for Nuxt users because Nuxt overrides the URL of our static asset URL from https://app-static-prod.posthog.com to https:/app-static-prod.posthog.com, removing the second /. If you have a solution, please let us know.

Toolbar disppearing on transition with Astro

Astro with view transitions enabled can cause the toolbar to disappear on transition. To prevent this, you can:

  1. Retrieve the __posthog JSON from the URL on astro:page-load.
  2. Prevent the toolbar from loading on astro:before-swap.
  3. Load the toolbar from JSON on astro:after-swap.
document.addEventListener('astro:page-load', () => {
if (!window.posthog) {
// Initialize PostHog here...
var toolbarJSON = new URLSearchParams(window.location.hash.substring(1)).get('__posthog');
if (toolbarJSON) {
window.toolbarJSON = toolbarJSON;
}, { once: true });
document.addEventListener('astro:before-swap', ev => {
window._postHogToolbarLoaded = false;
document.addEventListener('astro:after-swap', () => {
if (window.toolbarJSON) {

Reverse proxy

Deploying a reverse proxy is the best way to avoid tracking blockers intercepting calls to PostHog.

If the pages you are trying to open with the toolbar are on this proxy, make sure to pass the proper ui_host parameter when initializing our browser integration, so that links to the PostHog interface point to the correct host.


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Heatmaps shows you how users are interacting with elements on your website or app. To start, ensure you enable the capturing of heatmap data in your project settings or with the enable_heatmaps key in the JavaScript Web SDK initialization config . Heatmap data is captured along with other events, so it doesn't contribute to your bill, but the clickmap requires autocapture and the scrollmap requires pageleave events. To view your heatmaps, click the heatmap icon on the toolbar. There are…

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