Tags and categories

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Below is a complete list of tags, organized by section.

You can use tags from the Founder's hub in product engineer posts, and vice versa, if you're crossposting the article.

Founder's hub

  • Being a founder
  • Culture
  • Fundraising
  • Growth
  • Marketing
  • Ops & finance
  • People
  • Product
  • Revenue
  • Sales & CS

Product engineer's hub

  • Experiments
  • Feature management
  • Growth engineering
  • Product analytics
  • User research
  • Engineering


  • CEO diaries
  • PostHog news
  • Inside PostHog
  • Using PostHog
  • Comparisons
  • General

Guides & tutorials

  • product os
  • product analytics
  • session replay
  • feature flags
  • experimentation (labeled A/B testing on website)
  • surveys
  • cdp
  • AI engineering

Note, there are other tags we've used in the past here, but they're largely optional.

Creating new tags

Creating a new tag is as simple as adding the text to a post – it also means typos can generate new tag pages, so please be observant.

It's best to avoid a proliferation of tags, so please raise an issue before creating a new one.


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Content components

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