We've decided to make less money: We've slashed our pricing for session replay. They're now more than 50% cheaper for most customers.

PostHog badges

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Want to jump on the PostHog badgewagon?

Now you can garnish your website footer with a tasteful PostHog logo - it's like being in a super secret club, except if everything was open source. And if you add the badge and link back to us, let us know and we might send some exclusive merch your way...

Use on (backgrounds)
Color logo, white background
Color logo, transparent background
Black text, transparent background
White text, transparent background


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Support options

Have a question? Ask anything PostHog-related at posthog.com/questions . PostHog provides a free basic level of support to everyone via the community, with additional support options available for paying customers depending on product. Official Support There are three ways to get official support: Open a ticket through our in-app support modal . Ask a community question directly in the Docs at the bottom of the page, or check out our database of previously answered questions. Open an bug…

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