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Supported ClickHouse functions

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This is an ever-expanding list of enabled ClickHouse functions.

You can find their full definitions in the ClickHouse documentation. Additionally, we include a list of popular ones and their uses in the HogQL expressions and SQL insight documentation.

Type conversion

  • toInt
  • toFloat
  • toDecimal
  • toDate
  • toDateTime
  • toUUID
  • toString
  • toJSONString
  • parseDateTime
  • parseDateTimeBestEffort


  • plus
  • minus
  • multiply
  • divide
  • intDiv
  • intDivOrZero
  • modulo
  • moduloOrZero
  • positiveModulo
  • negate
  • abs
  • gcd
  • lcm
  • max2
  • min2
  • multiplyDecimal
  • divideDecimal

Arrays and strings in common

  • empty
  • notEmpty
  • length
  • reverse
  • in
  • notIn


  • array
  • range
  • arrayConcat
  • arrayElement
  • has
  • hasAll
  • hasAny
  • hasSubstr
  • indexOf
  • arrayCount
  • countEqual
  • arrayEnumerate
  • arrayEnumerateUniq
  • arrayPopBack
  • arrayPopFront
  • arrayPushBack
  • arrayPushFront
  • arrayResize
  • arraySlice
  • arraySort
  • arrayReverseSort
  • arrayUniq
  • arrayJoin
  • arrayDifference
  • arrayDistinct
  • arrayEnumerateDense
  • arrayIntersect
  • arrayReverse
  • arrayFilter
  • arrayFlatten
  • arrayCompact
  • arrayZip
  • arrayAUC
  • arrayMap
  • arrayFill
  • arraySplit
  • arrayReverseFill
  • arrayReverseSplit
  • arrayExists
  • arrayAll
  • arrayFirst
  • arrayLast
  • arrayFirstIndex
  • arrayLastIndex
  • arrayMin
  • arrayMax
  • arraySum
  • arrayAvg
  • arrayCumSum
  • arrayCumSumNonNegative
  • arrayProduct


  • equals
  • notEquals
  • less
  • greater
  • lessOrEquals
  • greaterOrEquals


  • and
  • or
  • xor
  • not

Type conversions

  • toInt
  • toFloat
  • toDecimal
  • toDate
  • toDateTime
  • toUUID
  • toString
  • toJSONString
  • parseDateTime
  • parseDateTimeBestEffort

Dates and times

  • toTimeZone
  • timeZoneOf
  • timeZoneOffset
  • toYear
  • toQuarter
  • toMonth
  • toDayOfYear
  • toDayOfMonth
  • toDayOfWeek
  • toHour
  • toMinute
  • toSecond
  • toUnixTimestamp
  • toStartOfYear
  • toStartOfISOYear
  • toStartOfQuarter
  • toStartOfMonth
  • toLastDayOfMonth
  • toMonday
  • toStartOfWeek
  • toStartOfDay
  • toStartOfHour
  • toStartOfMinute
  • toStartOfSecond
  • toStartOfFiveMinutes
  • toStartOfTenMinutes
  • toStartOfFifteenMinutes
  • toTime
  • toISOYear
  • toISOWeek
  • toWeek
  • toYearWeek
  • age
  • dateDiff
  • dateTrunc
  • dateAdd
  • dateSub
  • timeStampAdd
  • timeStampSub
  • now
  • NOW
  • nowInBlock
  • today
  • yesterday
  • timeSlot
  • toYYYYMM
  • toYYYYMMDDhhmmss
  • addYears
  • addMonths
  • addWeeks
  • addDays
  • addHours
  • addMinutes
  • addSeconds
  • addQuarters
  • subtractYears
  • subtractMonths
  • subtractWeeks
  • subtractDays
  • subtractHours
  • subtractMinutes
  • subtractSeconds
  • subtractQuarters
  • timeSlots
  • formatDateTime
  • dateName
  • monthName
  • fromUnixTimestamp
  • toModifiedJulianDay
  • fromModifiedJulianDay
  • toIntervalSecond
  • toIntervalMinute
  • toIntervalHour
  • toIntervalDay
  • toIntervalWeek
  • toIntervalMonth
  • toIntervalQuarter
  • toIntervalYear


  • lengthUTF8
  • leftPad
  • rightPad
  • leftPadUTF8
  • rightPadUTF8
  • lower
  • upper
  • lowerUTF8
  • upperUTF8
  • isValidUTF8
  • toValidUTF8
  • repeat
  • format
  • reverseUTF8
  • concat
  • substring
  • substringUTF8
  • appendTrailingCharIfAbsent
  • convertCharset
  • base58Encode
  • base58Decode
  • tryBase58Decode
  • base64Encode
  • base64Decode
  • tryBase64Decode
  • endsWith
  • startsWith
  • trim
  • trimLeft
  • trimRight
  • encodeXMLComponent
  • decodeXMLComponent
  • extractTextFromHTML
  • ascii
  • concatWithSeparator

Searching in strings

  • position
  • positionCaseInsensitive
  • positionUTF8
  • positionCaseInsensitiveUTF8
  • multiSearchAllPositions
  • multiSearchAllPositionsUTF8
  • multiSearchFirstPosition
  • multiSearchFirstIndex
  • multiSearchAny
  • match
  • multiMatchAny
  • multiMatchAnyIndex
  • multiMatchAllIndices
  • multiFuzzyMatchAny
  • multiFuzzyMatchAnyIndex
  • multiFuzzyMatchAllIndices
  • extract
  • extractAll
  • extractAllGroupsHorizontal
  • extractAllGroupsVertical
  • like
  • ilike
  • notLike
  • notILike
  • ngramDistance
  • ngramSearch
  • countSubstrings
  • countSubstringsCaseInsensitive
  • countSubstringsCaseInsensitiveUTF8
  • countMatches
  • regexpExtract

Replacing in strings

  • replace
  • replaceAll
  • replaceOne
  • replaceRegexpAll
  • replaceRegexpOne
  • regexpQuoteMeta
  • translate
  • translateUTF8


  • if
  • multiIf


  • e
  • pi
  • exp
  • log
  • ln
  • exp2
  • log2
  • exp10
  • log10
  • sqrt
  • cbrt
  • erf
  • erfc
  • lgamma
  • tgamma
  • sin
  • cos
  • tan
  • asin
  • acos
  • atan
  • pow
  • power
  • intExp2
  • intExp10
  • cosh
  • acosh
  • sinh
  • asinh
  • atanh
  • atan2
  • hypot
  • log1p
  • sign
  • degrees
  • radians
  • factorial
  • width_bucket


  • floor
  • ceil
  • trunc
  • round
  • roundBankers
  • roundToExp2
  • roundDuration
  • roundAge
  • roundDown


  • map
  • mapFromArrays
  • mapAdd
  • mapSubtract
  • mapPopulateSeries
  • mapContains
  • mapKeys
  • mapValues
  • mapContainsKeyLike
  • mapExtractKeyLike
  • mapApply
  • mapFilter
  • mapUpdate

Splitting strings

  • splitByChar
  • splitByString
  • splitByRegexp
  • splitByWhitespace
  • splitByNonAlpha
  • arrayStringConcat
  • alphaTokens
  • extractAllGroups
  • ngrams
  • tokens


  • bitAnd
  • bitOr
  • bitXor
  • bitNot
  • bitShiftLeft
  • bitShiftRight
  • bitRotateLeft
  • bitRotateRight
  • bitSlice
  • bitTest
  • bitTestAll
  • bitTestAny
  • bitCount
  • bitHammingDistance


  • bitmapBuild
  • bitmapToArray
  • bitmapSubsetInRange
  • bitmapSubsetLimit
  • subBitmap
  • bitmapContains
  • bitmapHasAny
  • bitmapHasAll
  • bitmapCardinality
  • bitmapMin
  • bitmapMax
  • bitmapTransform
  • bitmapAnd
  • bitmapOr
  • bitmapXor
  • bitmapAndnot
  • bitmapAndCardinality
  • bitmapOrCardinality
  • bitmapXorCardinality
  • bitmapAndnotCardinality


  • protocol
  • domain
  • domainWithoutWWW
  • topLevelDomain
  • firstSignificantSubdomain
  • cutToFirstSignificantSubdomain
  • cutToFirstSignificantSubdomainWithWWW
  • port
  • path
  • pathFull
  • queryString
  • fragment
  • queryStringAndFragment
  • extractURLParameter
  • extractURLParameters
  • extractURLParameterNames
  • URLHierarchy
  • URLPathHierarchy
  • encodeURLComponent
  • decodeURLComponent
  • encodeURLFormComponent
  • decodeURLFormComponent
  • netloc
  • cutWWW
  • cutQueryString
  • cutFragment
  • cutQueryStringAndFragment
  • cutURLParameter


  • isValidJSON
  • JSONHas
  • JSONLength
  • JSONArrayLength
  • JSONType
  • JSONExtractUInt
  • JSONExtractInt
  • JSONExtractFloat
  • JSONExtractBool
  • JSONExtractString
  • JSONExtractKey
  • JSONExtractKeys
  • JSONExtractRaw
  • JSONExtractArrayRaw
  • JSONExtractKeysAndValuesRaw


  • greatCircleDistance
  • geoDistance
  • greatCircleAngle
  • pointInEllipses
  • pointInPolygon


  • isNull
  • isNotNull
  • coalesce
  • ifNull
  • nullIf
  • assumeNotNull
  • toNullable


  • tuple
  • tupleElement
  • untuple
  • tupleHammingDistance
  • tupleToNameValuePairs
  • tuplePlus
  • tupleMinus
  • tupleMultiply
  • tupleDivide
  • tupleNegate
  • tupleMultiplyByNumber
  • tupleDivideByNumber
  • dotProduct

Time window

  • tumble
  • hop
  • tumbleStart
  • tumbleEnd
  • hopStart
  • hopEnd

Distance window

  • L1Norm
  • L2Norm
  • LinfNorm
  • LpNorm
  • L1Distance
  • L2Distance
  • LinfDistance
  • LpDistance
  • L1Normalize
  • L2Normalize
  • LinfNormalize
  • LpNormalize
  • cosineDistance


  • isFinite
  • isInfinite
  • ifNotFinite
  • isNaN
  • bar
  • transform
  • formatReadableDecimalSize
  • formatReadableSize
  • formatReadableQuantity
  • formatReadableTimeDelta


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Supported aggregations

This is an ever-expanding list of enabled aggregations. You can find their full definitions in the ClickHouse documentation . Additionally, we include a list of popular ones and their uses in the HogQL expressions and SQL insight documentation. Standard aggregate functions count countIf min minIf max maxIf sum sumIf avg avgIf any anyIf stddevPop stddevPopIf stddevSamp stddevSampIf varPop varPopIf varSamp varSampIf covarPop covarPopIf covarSamp covarSampIf ClickHouse-specific aggregate…

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