URL parameters to event properties

URL parameters to event properties

Converts URL query parameters to event properties


URL query parameters to convert
Type: string
Required: False

Comma separated list of URL query parameters to capture. Leaving this blank will capture nothing.

Type: string
Required: False

Add a prefix to the property name e.g. set it to 'prefix_' to get followerId -> prefix_followerId

Type: string
Required: False

Add a suffix to the property name e.g. set it to '_suffix' to get followerId -> followerId_suffix

Ignore the case of URL parameters
Type: choice
Required: False

Ignores the case of parameters e.g. when set to true than followerId would match FollowerId, followerID, FoLlOwErId and similar

Add to user properties
Type: choice
Required: False

Additionally adds the property to the user properties

Add to user initial properties
Type: choice
Required: False

Additionally adds the property to the user initial properties. This will add a prefix of 'initial_' before the already fully composed property e.g. initial_prefix_followerId_suffix

Always JSON stringify the property data
Type: choice
Required: False

If set, always store the resulting data as a JSON array. (Otherwise, single parameters get stored as-is, and multi-value parameters get stored as a JSON array.)

Using our REST API you can create this transformation like so:

# Create a new destination
curl --location 'https://us.i.posthog.com/api/environments/:project_id/hog_functions' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY>' \
--data '{
"type": "transformation",
"name": "URL parameters to event properties",
"inputs": {},
"enabled": true,
"template_id": "plugin-posthog-app-url-parameters-to-event-properties"