Redshift destination for batch exports

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Batch exports can be used to export data to Redshift, Amazon's data warehouse product.

Creating the batch export

  1. Subscribe to data pipelines add-on in your billing settings if you haven't already.
  2. Click Data pipelines in the navigation and go to the Destinations tab in your PostHog instance.
  3. Search for Redshift.
  4. Click the + Create button.
  5. Fill in the necessary configuration details.
  6. Finalize the creation by clicking on "Create".
  7. Done! The batch export will schedule its first run on the start of the next period.

Redshift configuration

Configuring a batch export targeting Redshift requires the following Redshift-specific configuration values:

  • User: A Redshift user name with permissions to insert data into the specified table and, if the table does not exist, permissions to create the table.

  • Password: The password for the Redshift user specified.

  • Host: The endpoint of your Redshift cluster, excluding the port number and database name.

  • Port: The port number on which the Redshift cluster is listening (default is 5439).

  • Database: The name of the Redshift database to which the data is to be exported.

  • Schema: The name of the schema within the database. This determines where the table for exporting data will be located.

  • Table name: The name of the table where the data will be inserted.

  • Properties data type: The data type configurations for the properties, set, and set_once columns, either VARCHAR(65535) or SUPER.

  • Events to exclude: A list of events to omit from the exported data.

  • Events to include: A list of events to include in the exported data. If added, only these events will be exported.


Note: New fields may be added to these models over time. To maintain consistency, these fields are not automatically added to the destination tables. If a particular field is missing in your Redshift tables, you can manually add the field, and it will be populated in future exports.

Events model

This is the default model for Redshift batch exports. The schema of the model as created in Redshift is:

uuidVARCHAR(200)The unique ID of the event within PostHog
eventVARCHAR(200)The name of the event that was sent
propertiesSUPER or VARCHAR(65535)A JSON object with all the properties sent along with an event
elementsVARCHAR(65535)This field is present for backwards compatibility but has been deprecated
setSUPER or VARCHAR(65535)A JSON object with any person properties sent with the $set field
set_onceSUPER or VARCHAR(65535)A JSON object with any person properties sent with the $set_once field
distinct_idVARCHAR(200)The distinct_id of the user who sent the event
team_idINTEGERThe team_id for the event
ipVARCHAR(200)The IP address that was sent with the event
site_urlVARCHAR(200)This field is present for backwards compatibility but has been deprecated
timestampTIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONEThe timestamp associated with an event

Persons model

The schema of the model as created in Redshift is:

team_idINTEGERThe id of the project (team) the person belongs to
distinct_idVARCHAR(200)A distinct_id associated with the person
person_idVARCHAR(200)The id of the person associated to this (team_id, distinct_id) pair
propertiesSUPER or VARCHAR(65535)A JSON object with all the latest properties of the person
person_distinct_id_versionINTEGERInternal version of the person to distinct_id mapping associated with a (team_id, distinct_id) pair, used by batch export in merge operation
person_versionINTEGERInternal version of the person properties associated with a (team_id, distinct_id) pair, used by batch export in merge operation
created_atTIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONEThe timestamp when the person was created

The Redshift table will contain one row per (team_id, distinct_id) pair, and each pair is mapped to their corresponding person_id and latest properties.

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