Realtime analytics data exports

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Destinations require the data pipeline add-on in your billing settings.

Template library

To get started, you can create a new destination from the Data pipelines page and choose from a range of available templates. Depending on the destination, there are a range of configuration options, such as credentials needed or where to find certain properties from the event being processed.

Input formatting

Any configuration input for a destination can have its values formatted using our Hog language to include data from the event, person and more.

You can template any input using curly brackets {}. Many inputs default to a formatted value indicating a recommended configuration that you can modify if needed.

For example given the incoming event:

event: {
name: "$pageview",
properties: {
$current_url: ""
person: {
name: "",
properties: {
email: "",
first_name: "Max",
last_name: "the Hedgehog"

You can create a template such as this:

{} was triggered by {} {}
// Outputs: $pageview was triggered by Max the Hedgehog

Global object

Below is a the structure of the global variables available whenever templating a destination.

event: {
uuid: string // The unique ID of the event
name: string // The event name (e.g. $pageview)
distinct_id: string // The distinct_id of the identity that created the event
properties: Record<string, any>
timestamp: string
url: string // A URL to view it in PostHog
person?: {
uuid: string // The UUID of the Person associated with the distinct_id of the event
name: string // Configured based on your "Display name" property in PostHog
url: string // A URL to view it in PostHog
properties: Record<string, any>
groups?: {
[id: string]: {
id: string
type: string
index: number
url: string // A URL to view it in PostHog
properties: Record<string, any>
project: {
id: number // The ID of the PostHog project
name: string // The name of the PostHog project
url: string // A URL to view it in PostHog
source?: {
name: string // The name of the source (typically the destination name)
url: string // A URL to view it in PostHog

Testing it out

Once you have saved your destination, you can test it by invoking it with an example payload. You can choose whether to mock out the async calls (e.g. HTTP API calls) or not.

⚠️ Warning: If you do not mock out the API call, it will call your destination. Make sure this is definitely okay and check your example data so that you don't mess up your production data.

Advanced - custom code

For most use cases, we recommend using one of the templates. These take care of a lot of the logic for you and expose simple inputs for you to configure.

You can, however, modify any destination by clicking the show source code option. From here you can modify the inputs (for example marking an input as secret so that it is encrypted) or the code of the function itself.

The code is written in our Hog language with further documentation of available features here. The majority of destinations are simply wrappers around fetch - a provided function for safely doing async, retriable HTTP calls.

let res := fetch(inputs.url, {
'headers': inputs.headers,
'body': inputs.body,
'method': inputs.method
if (res.status >= 400) {
print('Bad response', res.status, res.body)


  • Start from an existing template: Check out existing templates that are close to your kind of use case and work from there.

  • Rely on filters: Offload as much as possible to the built in filters and inputs. This will make modifying your destination later much simpler (as well as being more performant)

  • Use inputs wherever possible: These are great for secrets such as API credentials. You can mark them as secret and they will not be returned to the UI in the future and will be encrypted.

  • Keep it short: We have tight controls on execution time, memory usage etc.

  • Do not do more than 2 fetch calls: The function will error if you do. If you have a need for more than 2 calls, please contact support.


How up-to-date is the person information?

The person object contains the latest information for the person profile associated with the distinct_id of the event at the time the event is processed. You should make sure to use events that occur on or after person properties would be merged (such as $identify) if you need this information for your event.

How many events can I send to a destination?

There is no limit on the number of events to be processed but the system requires that the destination responds with healthy status codes (non 5xx) and in a timely fashion.

What can cause a destination to be automatically disabled?

If the destination performs poorly (too many errors, too slow) for a prolonged period, your destination will be quarantined and eventually disabled. We will try to re-enable it automatically after a temporary disabled period before stopping it entirely. You then need to modify either the filters or the destination and re-enable it in the UI to try again.

The key metrics that we observe to determine poor performance are:

  1. Errors thrown within the code (for example if you try to access a property that doesn't exist).
  2. Repeatedly slow responses from the destination. Some slow HTTP calls are fine but if you send thousands of events and the destination can't keep up, we will eventually disable it to protect ourselves and the destination.

We do not consider 4xx HTTP codes to be poor performance. Some destinations utilize these responses to determine if a follow up HTTP call is required (for example a 409 conflict indicating a record already exists). Non "OK" statuses will however be logged in order to help debugging potential issues.

How do you handle retries?

By default, all HTTP calls (fetch calls in Hog) are expected to return a 2xx response. If we get a non-OK response we will retry up to 3 times depending on the error codes. We may modify this logic as we make improvements to try and balance reliability and speed.


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Send PostHog event data to Slack webhooks

Use this destination to send custom messages into Slack based on PostHog events or actions. If you want to receive regular insight or dashboard subscriptions to Slack, checkout our subscriptions docs . Requirements Using this requires either PostHog Cloud, or a self-hosted PostHog instance running a recent version of the Docker image. You'll also need access to the relevant Slack account. Installation In PostHog, click the Data pipeline tab in the left sidebar. Click the Destinations tab…

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