Session replay
Session replay playlists
Replay Team
Steady improvements to the session replay tool have made it easier to find interesting replays, but how about collecting them for later reference? We don't want users to resort to bookmarking the page, so we've created the option to save sessions into static playlists. Plus, you can create dynamic playlists by specifying the events you're interested in!
PostHog Cloud EU launched
Infrastructure Team
It's the same old PostHog Cloud, but now it's GDPR-ready and hosted in Frankfurt. That means better performance for users in Europe, and not having to worry about [whether Google Analytics is illegal in your country[( Users who host in the US can also switch easily to our EU servers if needed.
Sparks joy
Sparks joy
Redesigned calendar and annotations
Product Analytics Team
The 1.40.0 update was all about visual polish, and we start with new calendar and date components. These are some of the most used modals in PostHog, so we gave careful attention to providing an improved and more unified experience.
We also updated our annotations interface! This resolved several layout and interaction issues that had previously been impacting annotations. We also touched up the annotations page to highlight important information better!
Feature flags
Turbo feature flags released
Feature Success Team
It used to be that checking a feature flag in client libraries other than
resulted in up to two network requests to our servers. This wasn't ideal for our users because it slowed down their render times and adds load for us. So, we got rid of this problem by introducing turbo feature flags.
People & properties
Beta: Combining persons and events
Product Analytics Team
In Update 1.39 we released a new beta which changes how we store Person and Event data, essentially combining the two into a new format. The upside? Significant performance increases for all users on the test.
Following this beta, the work was greenlit and rolled out to all users on PostHog Cloud.
Product analytics
Product analytics
Insight subscriptions
Product Analytics Team
We made it possible to export insights and dashboard as images so you can more easily share them with colleagues, as well as adding an option to subscribe to them in Slack and email. This is great if you have an insight or dashboard you want a whole team to monitor on a regular basis!
Data pipelines
Rapid ingestion pipeline
We made it faster to load insights and replays. The issue was that some data payloads were quite big, which resulted in the network slowing things down. To improve this, we added compression to a few of the endpoints in the app, and now see at least 50% smaller responses sent to clients. Hurrah!
Sparks joy
Session replay
Offsite: Iceland
People & Ops Team
Once a year, the entire company gets together for a week. We spend the time running sessions about our company values, discussing our strategy and completing a hackathon. Our trip to Iceland also saw the start of our tradition of keeping promises for what each of us will do when we IPO.
7,000 stars on GitHub
Marketing Team
Can you ever truly have enough GitHub stars? We don't think so. That's why we keep asking people to consider giving us more.
A/B Testing
Feature Success Team
Update 1.33 added a full experimentation suite, built on the back of our existing Feature Flag setup. The primary feature is the ability to run multivariate A/B tests and analyze the results in PostHog. We immediately started using it to test further product improvements.
People & properties
Data Management Suite
In Update 1.34 we added a new tool which helps you organize your PostHog data in-house through event definitions, definition tagging and many more features. This is especially useful in large teams, where it can sometimes be difficult to know if your insights are using the right events.
5,000 stars on GitHub
Marketing Team
What does a hedgehog with 5,000 GitHub stars want more than anything else? More stars, of course!