Words & Pictures team overview

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We couldn't think of a better name for this team, so we just called it Words & Pictures. We aim to delight users through our art, our copy, our ads, and anything else that somehow falls into our remit. That can include anything from onboarding emails, to designing our merch, to posting ads, to planning product launches.

As a team we value being hands-on, putting human needs above internal processes, and sprinkling some chaos into everything we touch.

Check out our team page for more info.

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Art and branding request

Lottie , PostHog's in-house graphic designer, handles all requests for branding and artwork. She can help you with things like: Custom visuals for paid ad campaigns Blog and social media artwork New themed hedgehogs Custom CTAs and banners Branded merch Animated UI elements You can see what Lottie is working on via the Art & Brand Planning project board . To search through our current hedgehog assets library go to the Figma file and search for anything you need, all artwork has been tagged…

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